Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Graphic Organizer of an Essay about the theme of "The Great Stone Face"

1st Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence - theme is that you need not look far to find what you seek
SD - Ernest searched all around for the likeness; it was him
CM - he searched around the lands to find the likenss of the stone face
CM - never looked and realized that it was himself until the poet showed him
SD - the townspeople were searching for a young, handsome man but it was their friend
CM - they expected a wealthy, young man from far away
CM - never realized that it was Ernest, who they had lived among them for their entire
Concluding Sentence
2nd Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence - when I started Pine Point in 1st grade, I was searching for a best friend
SD - tried to be best friends with many people
CM - seemed like everbody had a best friend already
CM -nobody wanted to be my best friend
SD - realized that I already had a best friend
CM -the person that I always talked to
CM - went to that person with all of my thoughts and feelings; I was searching for a
best friend but she was right next to me
Concluding Sentence
Concluding Paragraph

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