Amita Bose
Mr. Salsich
English 8
March 12, 2009
Words Unsaid, Lamps Unlit:
A Paragraph about the Title of the Short Story, Unlighted Lamps
Mr. Salsich
English 8
March 12, 2009
Words Unsaid, Lamps Unlit:
A Paragraph about the Title of the Short Story, Unlighted Lamps
TS In a relationship, if words remained locked away, the relationship will forever remain lifeless, loveless, and filled with darkness, just like an unlit lamp. SD In the short story, Unlighted Lamps, by Sherwood Anderson, the main character, Mary Cochran, must endure an unlit relationship with her father, Lester Cochran. CM Lester has never been able to express his true emotions and thoughts to his only daughter, but then again, he has never genuinely attempted this small feat. CM Because of his lack of effort, both Mary and Lester had to endure years of their strained, uncomfortable relationship, and when Lester finally decided to “light the lamp”, it was too late. SD Similarly, Lester and his ex-wife Ellen had to suffer through years of a loveless, unlit marriage that trapped them both , because Lester was unable to share his feelings with Ellen. CM This lack of light in their marriage suffocated both Ellen and Lester, for Ellen yearned for a marriage filled with excitement and love, while Lester wished to be able to share his emotions and thoughts with his wife, but could not bring himself to expose his heart and mind. CM Eventually, Ellen left Lester with his blessings because they were unable to light the lamp that was their marriage. CS Every person can learn a lesson from the short story, Unlighted Lamps. The lesson is to never wait to ignite the flame of a relationship, never allow anything to blow out the light of a connection, and never doubt how important a “lit lamp” is in a bond.